Resumen europeo - 21/10/2018
Thundery south
Dry central Europe

Issued: 0530hrs Sunday 21st October 2018
Duty forecaster: Garry Nicholson

Breezy with some rain for Scandinavia

Southern Europe sees thundery conditions, with storms breaking out increasingly through the day across Spain and Portugal, also central and southern Italy and mainland Greece . Highs 20 to 25C.
Meanwhile high pressure across central Europe brings fair weather to France, Germany and the Low Countries, also Alpine areas. 15 to 18C for northern-central Europe. Dry conditions also extend into central-eastern Europe, including Poland and Hungary. A few showers are likely for Romania and Bulgaria.
A brisk west to southwesterly wind affects Scandinavia. Rain extends across central Sweden and Finland. The southern Baltic stays dry but windy, highs 14C. Persistent rain for western Norway. Warm and dry in south-east Norway, 17C.

Drier for much of Spain and Portugal, with rare showers. Up to 27C in south-west Iberia. A brisk easterly breeze around Biscay. Low pressure over southern Italy brings prolonged heavy downpours and a risk of flash flooding. Rain also spreads to western Greece and fringes into the southern Balkans.
A weak cold front moves across northern-central Europe, with partly cloudy skies and a risk of a little rain for the Low Countries and Germany. This same frontal zone also affects Poland the Baltic states, where some heavier bursts are possible. Generally dry for France and the Alps. Dry for most of eastern Europe, with highs of 17C in Hungary. Breezy and cool for Scandinavia. West in western Norway, but dry for most of Sweden. Sunshine and showers for Finland.

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Boletines meteorológicos  [21/10/2018]
[21 oct - 06:42]
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El tema  [21/10/2018]