Issued: 0530hrs Wednesday 12th February 2025 Duty forecaster: Dan Graves
Showers continue moving around the Mediterranean and central Europe. More settled north with chances of sun east.
Wednesday Showers and sun spells across most of Iberia, possibly persistent in northern and eastern Spain. These same conditions extend out to the Baltics and Sardinia and Corsica. Frequent showery rain along Italy's west coast and central areas, rain more sparse north and south. The Balkan Coast will be showery as well with some spells extending to inland Croatia, Slovenia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Mostly fair and sunny in Greece and west Türkiye. Central and southern France will be showery, fair with cloud in the north. Patchy rain will be common across central and northern continental Europe into Czechia and Austria. Precipitation as snow in the Alps as well as northern Germany and Czechia, breezy here too. Drier east of here with sun in east Poland, Romania, and Ukraine. Remaining fair and breezy in Denmark with sun breaks. Soft winds and dry in the Baltic States and southern Scandinavia with sun in and out. Mostly settled with sunny spells in Norway as well, only unsettled in northernmost places.
Thursday Showers in northwest Portugal and Spain, drier south with sun spells. Showers across the Mediterranean Islands towards Italy as well, though gradually fading through the day. Showers persist in central Italy and along the Balkan coast, some heavy, thundery showers on Greece's west coast. Fair Aegean and west Türkiye. Showery rain across central and south France. This precipitation band extends through the Alps with snow in Switzerland and Austria. Snow into central and northern Germany, Czechia, and west Poland as well. Low Countries mostly dry with sun spells. Drier eastern Europe and sun for some in Belarus and Ukraine. Rain and risk of gales into Ireland, more settled Britain. Remaining breezy in Denmark and along the Baltic coasts. Some snow into Latvia and Estonia, fine and perhaps sunny in Lithuania. Northern Scandinavia mostly dry with opportunities for sun.