

Turinsk (103m)

Unfortunately, some data is suffering from missing values.Data availability is a measure for the frequency of missing values.High data availability refers to a small number of missing values and vice versa. If the data availability is low the corresponding value will be somewhat inaccurate.

Aside to missing values there are sometimes false values which may hamper the statistics. If you should come across such a false value, please give us a note by sending an E-Mail.

This very useful tool allows you to calculate the mean monthly temperatures, days with precipitation, total precipitation, days with snow and snow-depths, hours of sunshine and many more...

Estaciones meteorológicas cercanas - Turinsk Distancia
Shádrinsk 98.0 km
Saim 125.7 km
Gari 165.7 km
Tiumén-Roschino aeropuerto 186.4 km
Tiumén 199.9 km
Kurgán 227.6 km
Kommunisticheskiy 232.3 km
Leushi 238.3 km
Kuminskiy 269.0 km
Chelyabinsk aeropuerto 280.4 km
Yalútorovsk 303.7 km
Cheliábinsk 304.3 km
Troitsk 306.6 km
Verjoturie 325.6 km
Oktjabr'skoe 335.5 km
Ekaterimburgo-Koltsovo aeropuerto 345.4 km
Serov 359.8 km
Yarkovo 379.6 km
Ívdel 385.2 km
Nyaksimvol 386.9 km
Verjni Ufaléi 390.4 km
Nizhni Taguil 402.7 km
Blacoveschenka 403.4 km
Makushino 422.8 km