Islas Cook

Mangaia Mangaia Penrhyn Penrhyn Manihiki Aws Manihiki Aws Pukapuka Pukapuka Penrhyn Penrhyn Mauke Mauke Rarotonga Rarotonga estado de la vía Islas Cook Oceanía Mapas de pronósticos
recientemente actualizado: mar, 16/04, 14:11 h CEST
Note: Temperature forecast is minimum temperature at ground/road surface - NOT air temperature. See also Driving in winter.

Key to WeatherOnline's road forecast symbols showing the effects of the weather forecast on road conditions.
symbol: carreteras secas carreteras secas symbol: carreteras húmedas carreteras húmedas
symbol: carreteras mojadas carreteras mojadas symbol: aquaplaning aquaplaning
symbol: nieve resbaladiza nieve resbaladiza symbol: lluvia helada/humedad lluvia helada/humedad
symbol: escarcha escarcha symbol: hielo resbaladizo hielo resbaladizo
symbol: niebla niebla